
  • April 15, 2023
  • Collins and Associates

The Current Self Storage Market (April 2023)

The Australian economy presents an improving outlook generally although it remains difficult to predict at the micro level given ongoing uncertainty created by inflation pressures and the widespread negative sentiment

  • December 22, 2017
  • Collins and Associates

Disruption in Self Storage

Disruption can be characterised as innovative new businesses sweeping away old ways of doing things. The emergence of several new-wave providers in urban areas of East Coast Australia has created

  • June 7, 2017
  • Collins and Associates

Food For Thought – May 2017

A typical going concern self storage enterprise comprises the freehold property worth including its real assets (land, buildings, site improvements, infrastructure, fittings and fixtures) and its notional leasehold or business value

  • January 23, 2017
  • Collins and Associates

Food For Thought – January 2017

A typical going concern self storage in Australia and New Zealand comprises the overall freehold property worth including its real assets (land, buildings, site improvements. infrastructure, fittings and fixtures) and

  • June 9, 2015
  • Collins and Associates

General Self Storage Market Overview for 2015

The Global Financial Crisis led to a dearth of transaction evidence in the traditional real estate market which has become less acute in recent times, changing for the better generally

  • June 18, 2014
  • Collins and Associates

SSAA Self Storage Expo Asia

The second Self Storage Expo Asia was held in Hong Kong on 26-27 March 2014 following the launch of the Association last year. The Conference was host to more than

  • August 1, 2013
  • Collins and Associates

Self Storage Valuer’s Commentary (2013)

Introduction Malcolm wrote this personal high-level overview of the Australasian self storage market (“A Valuer’s Commentary”) to the 2012 SSAA Almanac. It reflected on issues that had affected the industry

  • December 31, 2012
  • Collins and Associates

How much is my business worth?

This article formed part of the SSAA Insider magazine October – November 2012. The initial comments are made by Rennie Schafer, CEO of the SSAA. Malcolm’s commentary follows Rennie’s… There have been

  • November 24, 2011
  • Collins and Associates

The banks & 2012

The Reserve Bank’s last reduction in the official cash rate is, amongst other things, recognition of the multi-speed economy affecting Australian business and its customers. The uncertainty created by the GFC